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The “Genève reconnaissante” Medal Awarded to Patrick Chappatte, president of Freedom Cartoonists.

Press Release from the City of Geneva, March 6, 2025

The “Genève reconnaissante” Medal will be awarded to cartoonist Chappatte on Tuesday, March 11, 2025, at 12:00 PM during a ceremony at the Palais Anna and Jean-Gabriel Eynard. The medal will be presented by the Mayor of Geneva, Ms. Christina Kitsos, on behalf of the city authorities.

Through this award, the Administrative Council wishes to pay tribute to the tireless commitment of this fervent defender of freedom of expression and the press. Recognized as a pioneer of graphic journalism, Chappatte is an internationally renowned cartoonist, known for his sharp and insightful perspective. Having received numerous prestigious awards and collaborated with major press outlets in several countries, he is today one of the most distinguished ambassadors of the democratic values cherished by the City of Geneva.

The Administrative Council wishes to acknowledge Chappatte’s prolific career and his dedication to press freedom, particularly through the Freedom Cartoonists Foundation, an initiative that defends freedom of expression through editorial cartooning and recognizes the talent and courage of cartoonists threatened for their work. His illustrated reports—covering topics such as the COVID-19 pandemic crisis, the death penalty, the situation in the Middle East, as well as issues in Africa and Central America—have helped shed light on major social issues and crises in a unique format that reaches a broad audience.

In an increasingly concerning international context, where new threats to freedom of expression and human rights emerge daily, the Administrative Council seeks to honor one of its most distinguished representatives. By doing so, it underscores the role of press cartoons as a tool for democracy and social cohesion and reaffirms its support for this art form, which is increasingly under threat and censorship.

Mayor of Geneva, Christina Kitsos, emphasizes that “by awarding the ‘Genève reconnaissante’ Medal to Patrick Chappatte, the City is not only honoring talent but also celebrating commitment and resilience. Being a press cartoonist means taking the risk of offending, challenging, provoking thought, and shifting perspectives. It is also, and above all, about offering citizens a sharp and critical gaze that exposes absurdities and highlights abuses of power. In this way, editorial cartoons serve as a true antidote to the crisis of democracy.”

The Freedom Cartoonists Foundation in Geneva denounces the Washington Post’s spineless decision to drop a cartoon by its world-renowned cartoonist, Ann Telnaes – prompting her immediate departure.

A cartoonist shows the way for courage and principle, while a major newspaper tramples on freedom of expression and humiliates itself in the process: Ann Telnaes leaves The Washington Post after the rejection of a cartoon showing tech moguls including Mark Zuckerberg and Jeff Bezos (the paper’s owner) courting Trump.

Of course, every news outlet has the right to choose what to print and what not to print. But by not daring to run this biting, to-the-point depiction of the current power plays around the Trump administration, the Washington Post is betraying the tradition of critical journalism for which it is renowned. A once-great American newspaper is showing that it is now afraid of political satire – and the truth – when it involves billionaire Jeff Bezos.

David Shipley, editor of the Opinions section, denies any censorship, saying the cartoon coincided with an article on the same subject…. The solution is simple, David: publish that cartoon in the coming days! (And keep working with one of the best cartoonists in the world.)

We are proud and fortunate to have Ann on the advisory board of the Freedom Cartoonists Foundation in Geneva, which has been defending press freedom and editorial cartooning since 2010, and we fully support her in her fight for freedom of expression and opinion in a context of rapidly evolving self-censorship in the American media. A country that was once a beacon of journalism, human rights and democracy is showing worrying signs of weakness in these areas.

Patrick Chappatte,
Foundation Chair

👉 READ Ann Telnaes’ essay: “Why I am quitting the Washington Post” 👉

Iranian cartoonist Atena Fargadhani sentenced to 6 years in prison – Facing “harshest punishment” for her activism, Atena Farghadani must be released immediately

We are dismayed to learn that the Iranian activist, artist, and cartoonist Atena Farghadani has been sentenced to a total of six years in prison; five years for “insulting the sacred” and one year for “propaganda against the State”. This sentence was handed down by the Islamic Republic of Iran’s Revolutionary Court on Monday, June 10, as confirmed by lawyer Mohammad Moghimi via social media. The maximum penalties are indicative of the Iranian regime’s long-standing determination to persecute and silence this courageous rights defender.

Atena Farghadani had been detained since April 13 2024 after attempting to display a drawing in a public space, not far from the presidential palace in Tehran. Over the past decade, she has been regularly monitored and harassed due to her art and activities opposing the repression of rights in Iran, especially those of women and children.

Previously jailed in 2014-16, and again for a short period last summer, Atena Farghadani risks coming to harm within the penal system. In 2023 she alleged an attempted poisoning. At the time of her arrest this year she reported that she suffered severe injuries from Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) personnel.

Artwork by Atena Farghadani was recently exhibited in Norway, at the sixteenth Oslo Forum for Freedom (OFF) organized by the Human Rights Foundation, dedicated to “reclaiming democracy”. In the presence of human rights defenders from around the world, Atena Farghadani’s representative Mohammad Moghimi ensured that her voice was heard, a voice that is both brave and righteous, and is targeted because she dares to defy oppression and injustice in her country.

Our organizations call for her immediate release and that she be returned to her family unharmed.


Artists at Risk Connection (ARC) Association of Canadian Cartoonists Cartooning for Peace
Cartoon Movement
Cartoonists Rights
Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) Forum for Humor and the Law Freedom Cartoonists Foundation Freemuse
Index on Censorship
Professional Cartoonists’ Organisation

Press contact : Chloe Guerif +33 (0)7 49 33 55 86

The Freedom Cartoonists Foundation and the City of Geneva announce the winners of the 2024Kofi Annan Courage in Cartooning Award: Rachita Taneja of India, and Zunzi of Hong Kong

The Freedom Cartoonists Foundation and the City of Geneva announce the winners of the 2024
Kofi Annan Courage in Cartooning Award: Rachita Taneja of India, and Zunzi of Hong Kong

On World Press Freedom Day, on May 3, the Freedom Cartoonists Foundation recognizes the talent and courage of cartoonists working under difficult circumstances. The Kofi Annan Courage in Cartooning Award 2024 will be presented by Nobel Peace Prize laureate Dr. Shirin Ebadi of Iran, during a public ceremony at the Geneva Graduate Institute, in presence of CNN’s international chief anchor Christiane Amanpour. This cartoon award has been presented every two years since 2012. (In alternance with the biennial international Prize presented by the allied organization Cartoonists Rights in the United States).

The accompanying international exhibition Cartooning for Freedom, visible on the shores of Lake Geneva until June 2, 2024, features nearly 60 press cartoons selected by Freedom Cartoonists, in partnership with Cartooning for Peace in Paris.

Chaired by Kenneth Roth, former Executive Director of Human Rights Watch, the international jury shares the 2024 Prize between two winners: Rachita Taneja (India) and Zunzi (Hong Kong). For Chappatte, president of the Foundation, “Both brilliantly embody the fundamental values of editorial cartooning: talent, freedom of spirit, and courage. With a bit of mischief.” For Sami Kanaan, Administrative Councillor in charge of culture and digital transition, “All the cartoonists competing this year deserve our respect for their talents and the risks they take.”

Rachita Taneja, India (left) and Zunzi, Honk Kong (right)

Rachita Taneja, India

On her popular online webcomic Sanitary Panels, the young Indian cartoonist Rachita Taneja draws chronicles of daily life in India. She is under the threat of a prison sentence following a complaint lodged by a member of the nationalist party in power in India. She is attacked for her critical cartoons about patriarchy, intolerance, and authoritarianism. Her cartoons on the ban on the hijab in schools gave rise in 2022 to new threats. India ranks 161 on 180 countries according to RSF Press Freedom Index.

Zunzi, Honk Kong

In May 2023, Hong Kong newspaper Ming Pao dismissed Zunzi, its regular cartoonist since 1983. The decision came after months of criticism of Zunzi by officials since Beijing adopted in 2020 National Security Laws that have reshaped Hong Kong’s arts, culture, and the media. His cartoons were denounced by officials for their “sanctimonious humour that damages Hong Kong’s image” and called “ too distorting and unethical ”. Hong Kong ranks 140 on 180 countries on RSF Press Freedom Index.

The European Press Prize and Studio Europa Maastricht announce the opening of the European Cartoon Award 2024, the prize for excellence in editorial cartoons

Press release from the European Cartoon Award — From April 29 to June 2, 2024, editorial cartoonists will be able to submit their work for the fifth edition of the European Cartoon Award. Submitted cartoons must have had their first publication date between June 2, 2023, and June 2, 2024, with a media outlet from a country within the Council of Europe, plus Belarus, and Russia.

Founded in 2019, by the European Press Prize and Studio Europa Maastricht, the European Cartoon Award has one of the highest monetary prizes for cartoonists, granting its winner a prize of 10,000 euros.

The cartoons can be submitted via this link:

read more…

“Solidarity with cartoonist Zehra Ömeroğlu, on the eve of her trial in Türkiye” – A joint press release from Cartooning for Peace, Cartoonists Rights, Freedom Cartoonists and Freemuse

11 April 2024 — A few days before her criminal trial on obscenity charges, scheduled for 16 April in Istanbul, Cartooning for Peace, Cartoonists’ Rights, the Freedom Cartoonist Foundation and Freemuse reiterate their support for cartoonist Zehra Ömeroğlu of Türkiye, over whom the prospect of criminalisation hangs like a veritable lead blanket.

Translation: «Pandemic sex… – At least I didn’t lose my taste and smell…»

Zehra Ömeroğlu faces a sentence ranging from 6 months to 3 years’ imprisonment, as well as the payment of a fine, for a cartoon on the symptoms of Covid-19 published on 25 November 2020 in the Turkish humor magazine Leman. Her situation is recorded on the Council of Europe’s Platform for the Safety of Journalists.

On 8 March 2024, Türkiye’s Board for the Protection of Minors from Obscene Publications («Muzır Neşriyat Kurulu») concluded that the cartoon «offends public decency and modesty and is contrary to general morality», arguing that the cartoonist «arouses and exploits sexual desires». These conclusions pave the way for her trial, which has been postponed four times since her first appearance in court in May 2021. Even though her lawyer contests the findings, as Turkish law allows, the hearing will go ahead on 16 April, where the likelihood of a conviction is increased on the basis of the Board’s conclusions.

Zehra Ömeroğlu works for local media aiming to liberate women’s voices. Her cartoons have appeared in numerous publications, in Türkiye and abroad, and she has had three books of her works published. She likes to focus on women’s rights, taboos and human psychology. These criminal proceedings have plunged her into deep despair, while severely restricting her professional prospects.

In an interview conducted in October 2022, Zehra Ömeroğlu said: «I’m a humorist and the aim of my work is to look at everyday problems from a different angle, with a lighter touch so that we can laugh about them together. But even such a harmless drawing can be subjected to severe judgement. The readers didn’t think that my drawing could be punished.»

Although Türkiye is bound to protect freedom of expression, guaranteed by Article 19 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and by its own Constitution, which also guarantees freedom of the press and the free dissemination of art, the country is ranked 165/180 in the Reporters without borders World Press Freedom Index 2023.

Determined to defend Zehra Ömeroğlu, our organizations express their full solidarity with her in the face of the trial, the outcome of which will be a true marker of the scale of the attacks on freedom of expression, and of the space allocated to women’s freedom of expression and feminist artistic production in Türkiye.

“The price of truth: film screening and discussion”

With the special presence of Dmitry Muratov, Nobel Peace Prize, Patrick Forbes, director, and Chappatte

October 13, 2023, 18:00 – 20:15

Auditorium A1A, Maison de la paix, Geneva Graduate Institute

Video: Steven Fourcade and Filippo Gander for the Freedom Cartoonists Foundation

The Geneva Graduate Institute, the Kofi Annan Foundation and Freedom Cartoonists Foundation hosted a screening of the documentary “The Price of Truth” about the life of Dmitry Muratov. Russian journalist, television presenter and the editor-in-chief of the Russian newspaper Novaya Gazeta, Muratov was awarded the 2021 Nobel Peace Prize jointly with Maria Ressa for “their efforts to safeguard freedom of expression, which is a precondition for democracy and lasting peace”. On 1 September 2023, Muratov was declared by the Russian authorities to be a “foreign agent”. 

Dmitry Muratov was present at the event. 

The film screening was followed by a discussion with Dmitry Muratov, film director Patrick Forbes, and Chappatte, president of the Freedom Cartoonists Foundation, Moderated by Corinne Momal-Vanian, Executive Director, Kofi Annan Foundation.

When cartoons upset Indian nationalists

By Patrick Chappatte, in “Le Temps”
Research and documentation : Freedom Cartoonists

Der Spiegel Chappatte
Cartoon by Chappatte in Der Spiegel, Germany, on

At the end of April, one of my cartoons published in German magazine Der Spiegel caused quite a stir in India. Tweets from ministers, a media craze, an embarrassed German ambassador; a simple cartoon suddenly became a geopolitical affair. But this furor was just part of a bigger story – the Modi government’s growing intolerance of the country’s humorists and cartoonists.

“World population: India overtakes China”. On April 22, this headline inspired the theme of my cartoon for Der Spiegel – a weekly featuresince 2018. I depicted a cheerful, overcrowded Indian train overtaking a somewhat gloomy Chinese bullet train. Unfortunately, my train collided with some sacred cows, among them Indian nationalist pride, in fierce competition with China, and the place railroads seem to hold in the country’s national psyche.

The day after publication, the Indian information minister’s senior adviser lit the fuse on Twitter: “Hey Germany, this is outrageously racist!”Read the full article on Chappatte’s website

Alert Iran – Atena Farghadani

Following widespread press reports of the arrest and detention of Iranian artist, activist and cartoonist Atena Farghadani in Tehran on June 7th 2023, CARTOONISTS RIGHTS, Cartooning For Peace, and the FREEDOM CARTOONISTS Foundation call for prosecutors in the Islamic Republic of Iran to drop the charges of “disturbing public order” and release Ms Farghadani immediately.

According to her lawyer, Mohammad Moghimi: “Since her release in 20161, intelligence and security agents have harassed her many times, including prevention from employment, tapping her phone and disturbing her private life. These cases have caused her to protest against the agencies responsible and that has become the basis for her detention.”

It was Mr Moghimi who on June 8th and via Twitter confirmed her arrest after a summons to the courthouse at Evin Prison. The next day he further stated: “A bail in the amount of [$4,200] has been issued for my client Atena Farghdani, and she refused to accept the bail with the argument that she has not committed a crime and that her summons and charges are illegal and arbitrary, and for this reason, she was transferred to [the Qarchak Prison for women, outside Tehran].

From a trusted source we have learned the charges articulated so far relate to disturbance of the public order. After an absence of some three years and three months, Ms Farghadani took to her Instagram account last week and prior to her court summons had posted images of a new coloured pencil drawing. Despite much speculation online, at this time we have no reason to believe she was arrested because of this social media post.

Ms Farghadani was awarded the Courage in Cartooning Award by Cartoonists Rights in 2015, after a 2014 drawing posted to Facebook and depicting parliamentarians as animals, an objection to laws restricting women’s reproductive choices, led to a series of criminal charges including “spreading propaganda against the system”, “insulting members of parliament through paintings”, “gathering and colluding against national security”, “insulting the President”, and “insulting prison officials”.

After eighteen months in prison, all sentences were commuted or reduced, save one; over the following four years of her life Farghadani could have gone to prison again at any time under a suspended sentence of “insulting the Iranian Supreme Leader”.

Whilst a prisoner Ms Farghadani was severely abused and subjected to virginity and pregnancy tests against her will, practices that are designated torture by international human rights standards. She spent a period on hunger strike and suffered a heart attack. After a handshake between herself and Mr Moghimi she faced additional criminal charges of “’illicit sexual relations falling short of adultery”.

Hence, now that the same authorities have Ms Farghadani in custody again, there is good cause to fear escalation and further charges to come, as well as dire mistreatment.

In our view, Atena Farghadani is a prisoner of conscience, there is no justification for her detention, and we demand her immediate and unconditional release.


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