All the exhibitions:

2014 International Cartoon Exhibition

From May 3 to June 6, 2014,
Open air exhibition, Quai Wilson, Geneva

Left: Lisa Donnelly, Plantu, Hani Abbas
Right: Chappatte, Kofi Annan, Guillaume Barazzone

Following the presentation of the International Cartoonist Award, on May 3, 2014, Mr. Kofi Annan, Honorary Chair of our Foundation, inaugurated the accompanying international cartoon exhibition on the banks of Lake Geneva.

The open air public show, “Every State of War”, showcased works by the laureates Hani Abbas (Palestine, Syria) and Doaa El Adl (Egypt). The exhibition also featured cartoons from all over the world on topics surrounding the WWI centenary: “Armed conflicts”, “Civil wars” and “Cybersurveillance”.

In collaboration with the Association Cartooning for Peace, Paris.

2024 – International Cartoon Exhibition

2022 – International Cartoon Exhibition

2021 – Gare aux dessins - Virtual Visit

2019 – International Cartoon Exhibition – Davos Edition

2018 – International Cartoon Exhibition

2017 – Individual Show: Zunar and Gado

2016 – International Cartoon Exhibition

2014 – International Cartoon Exhibition

2012 – International Cartoon Exhibition